A note on consent (and love)

This isn’t just a post about CONSENT - it’s about the core underlying ingredients within it: sensitivity, awareness, love and deep respect.

Sex-positivity and sensuality are core to what we do - and what brings us together as a community. But we can only connect as deeply as the space allows us to feel safe to.

Embodying these values and a few simple actions are what can make the difference for all of us.

Get to know the person

Learn someone’s name and start a conversation before jumping in to inviting them to connect sensually. No doubt there is something about this person you were drawn to. Discover who they are. Respect the human.

Respect their space

Don’t interrupt someone when they’re deep in dance or conversation to ask them to connect. Appreciate from afar and maybe fate will bring you together later 😉 This also goes for group settings. If a group is connecting, don’t approach assuming you might join.

Mind your gaze

No one likes to be stared down. Behave as you would like others to behave to you.

Ask with sincerity
Ask with genuine interest; people can tell when you're trying to lead them to a particular answer, and may hesitate to share what they really want.

Look for enthusiasm

Many people don’t feel comfortable saying no; they may not feel entitled to, or don’t want to spoil the mood. Be attentive to the being in front of you. If they say yes but don’t look certain, gently enquire (‘are you sure?’) and assure (‘it’s ok to say no.’)

Joyfully accept all responses

The correct response to ‘no’ is not: ‘come on…’ It is total appreciation and gratitude: ‘Thank you for trusting me with your truth. I hope you have an incredible night.’

Practice deep awareness
Consent is a continual process. Be attentive to ongoing verbal and non-verbal cues that indicate their comfort level, and don’t push beyond those boundaries.

We hope these simple guidelines are glaringly obvious to most of you but each of them come from stories from our guests or personal experience.

Fox&Badge is an exceptional place - it’s personally precious to me as the arena in which I feel most free to express and release completely unguarded. But the conditions for that are an atmosphere of utmost safety and respect. We all have a responsibility to create that together.

Please be a custodian of this community, and help guide it into its greatest form of beauty, and help all others keep to that path: as sensual as you like, but always consensual ❤️

Written by Lauren Katalinich


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