Get involved

Magic happens with co-creation

Our events thrive on collaboration and co-creation (we have learned so much from Burning Man), and the more people get involved, the more extraordinary they are.

We believe that everyone has a creative and artistic soul, and everyone has much to contribute; we feel blessed with the beauty of our community, and all that they bring and are. Our dream is that we each realise that we are all creators and performers at our events, and we deeply welcome your involvement.

  • Join the crew! This team is the bread and butter of Fox&Badge. Together, they design, source, implement and build the magical sets for each unique theme.

    We are always looking for volunteers for setup on the day (anytime between 10am-9pm) and especially takedown (6am-9am).

    If you have any specialised skills (carpentry, fabric hanging, decorating, electronics, cherrypicking etc), have experience in events, or are just a generalist helper, we’d love to hear from you.

  • We’re always looking for volunteer angels for our welfare team. This is not a professional PsyCare-style setup with medical or trained professionals (though some may be). F&B offer a simple, safe welfare space manned by volunteers holding space, listening, soothing and generally helping anyone looking for care & human contact. All our community are welcome to come join, sit down, and gently interact.

  • The intention of crowd activators is to encourage others to release into dance by interacting with them.

    Crowd activators are not stand-alone artists or performers or go-go / podium dancers, they are interactive guides, chaperones, therapists, healers.

    They are like unstoppable whirlwinds & irresistible forces of infectious enthusiasm, focused on unlocking our guests and dancefloor - like energetic MCs that use their bodies, not voice.

    Their focus is less on their own relation to the music, but on others’.

    They lavish attention on guests.

    They are playful, impish, mischievous - sensitive and aware, but unconstrained by fear and worry.

  • You are the first face of the event and community; a creative force of charm and energy. Your prime task is checking tickets, costume, attitude - & understanding of consent.

    With your watchful eye, you are a protector of our community and the night.

    You are also a warm and playful host, here to charm and engage and put at ease. You are also a source of knowledge, and it is helpful if you can answer guest questions and be aware of the experience that await them.


We are always looking for novel, imaginative, heartful performers for our shows. We aim to awe so the key is originality and careful consideration of the particular theme over polished routine acts. We release a Call for Performers ahead of each event with ideas but you can get in touch anytime via or at the form above with ideas. Please always include samples of your work and your proposed fee.


Getting involved behind the scenes at our events is one of the most nourishing ways to feel connected to the community and experience the true magic of co-creation.

All volunteers for these roles receive a free ticket to the event, are added to the F&B volunteer community WhatsApp group and are invited to our post-event crew drinks party to celebrate together. We hope you can join us!

If any of these sound like you, please get in touch with us in the form above :)

I’ve loved being part of your events over the years and seeing them change and grow. I think the events are really special and the creativity, standard and energy is NEXT LEVEL INCREDIBLE!

The audience at Fox and Badge might just be my favourite audience. As a performer I don’t often get to create pieces with such elaborate themes. This was my first aerial piece that I had directed and choreographed with multiple aerialists and performers so I am appreciative for the opportunity to do that and I’m very grateful that you share and support my creative visions. So thank you for being so amazing and creating opportunities like this not just for me but in the industry I work in.
— Natalie Pereira, aerial performer