Maker’s Night: Summer of Love

CREATIVITY is at the heart of everything we stand for & love.

We’re till buzzing on this (perfect) solstice day from the beautiful, collective project that was Makers Night last night!

We love this community so much- the way so many people awaken their inner artists to dive in and get involved (even those who’ve never been to F&B before), the playful experimentation, the wonderful conversations, the positive energy. Surrounded by flowers, it felt like the perfect way to welcome the birth of summer today.

We painted protest signs, made floral displays, and created enormous crepe paper flowers to bedeck The Steel Yard's mighty halls.

An enormous thank you to everyone who came after long work days to connect and help out at the Regent Pub in Islington. So many lovely hearts in one room. And the effort you each put in- with decorations, costumes, and energy is what makes these nights so magical. I can’t wait to see the rest of everyone’s creations on Friday as we finally celebrate together for our Summer of Love event!

“These creative evenings have become a real highlight of Fox&Badge for me. We are blessed with such talented artists, technicians, and problem solvers in this community and it’s an absolute joy to collaborate and experiment with them. And for me, a gratifying antidote to long days behind a computer screen.

I always leave with such a full and wholesome heart. Top company, lots of laughs, and the unity of shared (if sometimes hazy) vision. They say you get what you put in from life - and there’s nothing quite so bonding as spending an evening cutting and painting and sawing and glueing with strangers to then turn on the hedonism and celebrate amid your labours together as a team Making is the act that allows us to contribute towards the feast and pageant that are these nights.”

- Lauren K

If you’d like to get involved with decor or making for Summer of Love or any of our other events, please get in touch and join us for our next community meetup.


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