EGYPT Costume Workshop RECAP

We love costume because we love performance, creativity, generosity. 

For us costume is not just a simple, fairly mindless act of decoration & adornment; it’s an act of self-exploration, liberation and catharsis. A moment to explore who we really are, and what we want to be. To touch upon suppressed archetypes. The beset mother rises into her temple priestess; the harried office-worker unleashes their inner god. 

Our word personality comes from the Latin word persōna, meaning mask; we present ourselves to the world, masking layers beneath. We are ALWAYS in costume. And we can play with this, unleashing parts of ourselves.

Everything we wear is a gift - a sign and offering to others. We can’t see the clothes on our backs - we offer them to others. We thank all those in this community who so creatively and thoughtfully explore ways to co-create the magic of our nights; that great bobbing symphony of imagination and creation.

For every event we offer a costume workshop where we provide materials and guidance, and guests can collectively create lush items for our events.

Thank you so much to all the brilliant creative souls who joined us for our Isis&Osiris costume workshop. It was such a beautiful, joyful, buzzy atmosphere; we’re so in awe the artistry of this community. Although Ines had made some stunning sample headpieces, everyone’s pieces were so original and we can’t wait to see them in the wilds of the Temple on May 26th!

A huge thanks to Ines and Natalie Pereira who put in so much work ahead of the day crafting and gathering materials and Karinne Fd for her expert guidance, and Lauren, Andy, and Vishal Nangalia for supporting so beautifully.

And thank you Jolly Thompson for these beautiful captures of all our stunning crafters creating their masterpieces!

You can see the full album at: and explore more of her beautiful work at or


The surprising link between Versailles & London Pride


EGYPT costume inspo: face & accessories