Singing to techno: an experiment in collective song

We have always wanted to bring this community to collective song. We were made for it. Our voice is a gift, and attunement is a spiritual experience. I think we all yearn for some kind of tribal belonging and resonance; singing is so powerful and connective. A little like having gorgeous sex with god, as you open your throat to him.

That’s why we made it the focus of both our March and April meetups this year. In March we welcomed the Equinox and for April we dared to combine our two loves - techno and singing in a special experimental workshop. And what a joy it was!

We felt huge trepidation in event suggesting the idea - singing to techno. Is it viable? Ridiculous? Why has no one we know of ever done it? Isn’t it just a bad fit? Two warring archetypes of the persona that just can’t & won’t get on? And who are we to try and even lead such a thing when we know nothing about singing, and haven’t ever trained, and have no clear idea of what exactly we should be doing?

But we absolutely loved experiencing the joy of collective song, so vibrant it could apparently be heard several streets away. You were all PHENOMENAL - pure joy!

We are so grateful to our incredible and brilliant collaborators Ruth Hoey, Sas Darvish, Alex Haw & Lauren Katalinich for being so enthusiastically up for it, creative, and loving. It was a joy to see them each bring us to song in their unique and beautiful ways. The atmosphere was truly ELECTRIC, and the connectivity so deeply palpable and healing.

This was the most medicine we’ve ever felt in a pub. We loved how much it unlocked creativity, and how many people came up at the end, hungry to co-create more magic. Thank you!

We hope to run our techno singing workshop twice a year now and to continue to incorporate collective singing into our larger events. If you work with the voice and would like to get involved, please reach out to us at


Our next meetup is May 9th at the Island Queen where we will come together to create costumes for our upcoming Isis & Osiris event on May 26th!


EGYPT costume inspo: head & hair


Fox&Badge go to Egypt