Why costume matters


Why wear costume? Why bother with the expense & frippery? Why not focus instead of saving the world, or making money, or getting laid?

We believe in costume’s power to unite us, and to unleash an important inner voice. We believe that we all cradle a kind of creative innocence that we suppress - and that costume allows us to become as resplendent as both kings and children - glorious and unashamed. We surrender, and we abandon ourselves completely to the moment & joy of living imaginatively and creatively. Costume isn’t evasion or pretence; it’s revelation. They say that the various protagonists of our dreams - mother, queen, dolphin, murderer - are versions of ourselves, and that we can only see them by externalising. So too, with costume.

Last night we ran our latest costume workshop, and it was so moving we wanted to cry. It was touching to see all these beautiful souls gently beavering in their focus; quietly creating their private works of art; gently expressing themselves. And so moving to feel that, in this festive time of gifting, they were crafting their own personal gifts. For costume is always a monumental gift; a gigantic expression of oneself, and a loving offer to the community. It is by far our best decor. If we filled our boxes with it, we’d need a major fleet of vans to ship it - yet our community calmly and quietly brings in all this gorgeousness. It’s simply amazing, and deeply uplifting.

It was incredible last night to witness the passion and love with which people made their antlers, each strung with glorious bling and joy; jewels for the magp-eyes. We thought everyone looked fantastic. We were particularly moved by one man who confessed he’d never been to Fox&Badge before; in fact had never even been to a costume party. He was feeling shy. But he was open. And he couldn't stop laughing. He was moved; excited. You could tell he felt accepted; even cherished; and that this might be a major thing for him to offer a hitherto-hidden part of himself - which is so deeply welcomed. We can’t wait to see what he wears; what he becomes.


FERAL: the aftermovie


A very feral Q&A