NEW: Low Income Tickets at F&B
We feel rather apologetic that it’s taken us so long to get here, but we’re finally offering LOW INCOME TICKETS. At our core, we believe in inclusion, connection, and transformation - & we want to be accessible to as many as possible.
We know these experiences cost significantly more than standard nights out - because hopefully they offer something far beyond. Beyond the divine DJs, we have 200+ crew, truckloads of decor and specialist lighting, legions of amazing performers and immersives, all striving to create pure magic. And we would love that magic to be available to everyone who yearns to be part of it.
We recognise that our wonderful guests incur many costs way beyond simple tickets, and thank you all for your immense investment and commitment. Your dedication to maintaining these high standards is perhaps the most important factor in what makes our gatherings so extraordinary.
So we’re offering 75% off any single ticket type, now and for every event, to those who struggle to afford a full-price ticket. Eligibility is simply based on your economic reality, and we wish to support all unemployed humans, students, low-income workers, carers, teachers, etc
Please simply email us at with a brief note about your situation. This helps us distribute tickets where they're most needed whilst respecting your privacy. No proof needed - we trust our beautiful community to be fair. We'll send you a unique booking code in return.To those who've whispered about cost barriers: we hear you, we love you, we want you here. These nights are about transformation, about connection, about the electric spark we create together. Financial status should never stand in the way of that magic!
You can always come for free if you join our incredible volunteer team, helping on setup; making decor; welcoming and greeting; offering welfare; managing access, & a range of other crucial roles; please get in touch via our volunteer form.
Alongside all this, we also need to face the fact that events are a great financial challenge, and that we believe our current ticket prices do not reflect the rich complexity and quality of what we offer, or what we need as revenue. So this is advance warning that we will be raising our prices for our next May event, with a wider range of ticket prices.
Low-income & free tickets for volunteers will always be available.