
22 July 2021 / The Steel Yard, London

On 21st June 2021, the UK government finally announced the final lifting of lockdown restrictions, enabling us all to finally be together at last. That magical date is also the mighty Summer Solstice - when the sun is at its zenith & nature emerges from shadow into sunshine. And so do we. We are all children of the sun, and this is our moment to emerge resplendent, blazing in our beauty - the light of the world.

This is your invitation to RELEASE. To DROP YOUR MASK and reveal your true self; your radiant nature.

We commence MASKED - in whichever way you choose, sexily suppressing some of your key features - before we all converge in the GREAT UNVEILING - a joyous abandonment of all our baggage, and revelation of our selves in an unforgettable moment of reunion & release.


  • DJ Barbara

  • DJ Aldana

  • Other Dj

  • Another DJ

  • I attended UN-masquerade last night and found what I was looking for.. caring, vibrating music and life-lovers all together and ready to welcome you into their family.. Costumes and electro are second nature to me, and I felt I was in the right place 😍 It was a blast, the only thing I could have asked for was for it not to end!

    -Benoit Shi Fu

  • I had the best night of my life. Your party was amazing. Amazing. Thank you so much! I danced like a Duracell Bunny & must have lots of 4kgs! Thank you so much!

    -Lyle Pewsey

  • Every F&B party I’ve been to has been amazing magical spectacular. In addition, this one was also a much needed healing experience after the collective trauma of the past year; the hugs, the smiles, the pure joy of togetherness… so much love to all and a huge thank you for your relentless efforts and persistance to make this perfect night happen in the midst of so much uncertainty.

    -Nevine Fathy

  • I had one of the most incredible times at Fox&Badge. I was even covered in candyfloss and had people eating off me. How many other parties can boast that level of entertainment?

    -Peter Dimitri Josiah

  • Fox&Badge, it’s been a long time since I felt so connected and experienced such a beautiful immersive experience. The atmosphere was so electrifying, amazing production too, and of course epic music - the DJs brought the raves to a different level. Thank you for your great hospitality and a night to look forward to returning to very soon 🙏❤️🧐

    -Kyriakos Poulos

  • Well, well, well my first Fox and Badge event. Definitely the beginning of the story…There were so many moments when I felt like my body had just popped wide open and we were all one massive soul bursting with joy. What an incredible vision you have. It’s wonderful to see it all come to light.

    When the event started, I was so in awe of all the majesty around, the other dancers the space, the music, the art, the fear hit me again, then I remembered how we are all part of this beautiful community that wants everyone to thrive and be cherished.

    -Mina Beresford-Stooke, performer

  • THANK YOU. What a night - my first F&B but I hope not the last. An absolute feast for the senses, and when the final DJ - that uber-goddess of the decks - got into her stride, I thought I'd crossed to the next dimension. What an epic night . What a great party, what a beautiful community!

    -Garfield Austin, photographer

  • WOW, as a DJ that was an experience to behold! It's been well over 17 months since we heard a sound system like that, and the collective energy and beauty and vibe of the room was something I'd never experienced before. What a magical and spectacular night. A HUGE thank you for creating the most magnificent UNmasquerade - a true celebration and re-emergence into this world that we all love. Your beauty and energy and vibe were out of this world, and a dream to experience as a DJ.

    -DJ Alexandra Papadakis